User Agreement

Service Agreement


1.1. This Service Agreement ("Agreement") is concluded between CS HUMAN RESOURCES TANITIM VE DANIŞMANLIK A.Ş., registered in Istanbul Trade Registry Directorate with Registry No. 230060-5, 0215053670900001 Mersis number, operating at the address "Nisbetiye, Nispetiye Cd No:24, 34340 Beşiktaş/İstanbul" and real persons ("User and/or Users") who benefit from the Platform under the URL address managed by 23 YETENEK ASSOCIATION.1.2. Users are aware that the Service Agreement ("Agreement") will enter into force upon approval by them through the Site and that they are obliged to act in accordance with these terms. This Agreement becomes legally binding by the Parties when the Users complete the membership conditions by providing the necessary information for membership on the Site.3.1.3. The User who accepts this Agreement is deemed to have declared and accepted that they are over 18 years of age. The Parties accept and declare that 23 YETENEK ASSOCIATION cannot be held responsible for situations that may arise from the contrary of this statement.1.3. Hereinafter in the continuation of this Agreement, 23 YETENEK ASSOCIATION and User(s) shall be referred to as "Party" and together as "Parties".


2.1. “Site”; The website serving at the address, 2.2. "User"; 2.3. Natural person who becomes a member through the site and receives the service to be provided by 23 TALENT ASSOCIATIONS, is over 18 years old and is a current student of educational institutions established with the permission given by the Council of Higher Education (“YÖK”). "Company"; Companies with legal entity status as third parties within the scope of this Agreement, which are offered to the User through the Site and have the opportunity to provide a job position to the User in line with their needs, but do not make any commitment to do so, 2.4. "Service"; The service provided by 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ on the Site during the User's membership within the scope of this Agreement, to enable the User to find suitable job positions in third party companies and to communicate with the companies, 2.5. “Personal Information”; General membership information such as name, surname, address, date of birth, which the User gave when becoming a member of the Site, which are "not considered as special personal data" in accordance with the expression in the KVKK, 2.6. “Professional Information”; What kind of job the User is interested in, which role is suitable for him, in which city, in order not to interrupt the service to be carried out by 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ while becoming a member of the Site.


23 YETENEK ASSOCIATION is a job search and finding platform for university students over the age of 18 and is managed by 23 YETENEK ASSOCIATION, which operates with the permission certificate of the Turkish Employment Agency dated 07.03.2020 and numbered 1151. Therefore, 23 YETENEK ASSOCIATION is a Private Employment Agency. The subject of this Agreement is to determine the terms and conditions regarding the service that 23 YETENEK ASSOCIATION offers to the User through the Site and that the User benefits from and to regulate the rights and obligations of the Parties in this direction. In this context, it constitutes the mutual rights and obligations of the parties to the Agreement with the terms and principles regarding the use of other services such as participation in training and events, as well as the private employment agency service accessed through the address of 23 Yetenek Association and mobile applications, if any. All kinds of statements regarding the use, content and users made by 23 YETENEK ASSOCIATION on the Site shall be considered as an integral part of this Agreement. With the acceptance of this Agreement by the User, the User accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she has accepted in advance all kinds of statements regarding the use, content and other Users, including himself/herself, made by 23 YETENEK ASSOCIATION, which are and will be included on the Site, and is bound by the terms and conditions set out in the Agreement.


4.1. Filling out the membership form on the Site with real information in line with the requested information and/or using the User's access to Google, Facebook, etc. User status begins when the user logs in via the Site in integration with his/her membership information on other platforms and accepts this Agreement. In order to gain user status, the natural person applying must be over the age of [18] and must be currently enrolled in an educational institution established with the permission given by YÖK. 4.2. 23 TALENT ASSOCIATION may reject User applications unilaterally, at its own discretion and without any justification, at any time, without any liability for compensation, or may condition the acceptance of the User application on additional terms and conditions set at its discretion. 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ, violation of the rules and conditions specified in this Agreement and the Site, determining that the information provided during the User application is not sufficient, accurate or up-to-date, the application of the person applying for the User having been previously rejected, receiving complaints or receiving negative comments about the User and this The user may terminate this agreement by terminating this agreement at any time, without any liability for compensation, with or without any justifiable reason, including the assessment of the situation as a risk by 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ and similar reasons. 4.3. The User is personally responsible for the use and management of all information, including accounts, username and password that enable the use of the Site. Username and password should not be shared and should be carefully protected. The user is directly responsible for any malicious use of his account by other persons due to his own fault. 23 TALENT ASSOCIATION therefore has the right of recourse for any judicial/administrative fines and/or compensation it may have to pay. Every transaction carried out with the User's account, username and password will be deemed to have been carried out by the User himself, and the User will be solely responsible for any damages incurred by 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ and/or third parties due to the use, loss or change of hands of this information by a person other than the User, and He accepts that he cannot claim any rights or compensation against 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ for any damages incurred in this case. 4.4. The user cannot transfer the user account, username and password and membership profiles he has created to another user or allow their use by third parties under any circumstances. 4.5. In all transactions to be carried out on the Site, the User shall comply with this Agreement and the conditions that may be published on the Site from time to time, the law, morality and etiquette, and the principles of honesty, and shall not engage in any behavior that may hinder the operation of the Site by any means, or in acts that violate or are at risk of violating the rights of third parties. will not be found. In this context, the User agrees that he will not engage in dishonest and unprofessional behavior, including sending inappropriate, inaccurate or unpleasant content. 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ will not have any responsibility for any financial, legal or other claims that may be directed to 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ by third parties due to the User's behavior in this article, and all responsibility will rest entirely with the User. Due to any kind of demands mentioned in this article, 23 TALENT ASSOCIATION shall not be liable for any compensation, fee, etc. under any name or name. In case of being faced with such payments, these demands will be directed to the User immediately by 23 TALENT ASSOCIATION, and the User will meet these demands immediately, in cash and in lump sum, at the first request, without the need for another court order, notice and/or warning. 4.6. The User declares that the information and content included in his account or uploaded to the Site is complete, accurate and lawful, that the purpose for which he provided this information is clear in all aspects, that it is not misleading, that there is no defamation, disparagement, disreputable statement, insult, slander or threat. It accepts, declares and undertakes that it will not be unlawful or immoral, such as harassment or harassment, and that this information and content will not cause any violation of third parties' rights, including intellectual property rights, industrial property rights and personal rights. In this context, while using the Site, the User cannot violate the personal rights of other candidates or third parties, cannot share threats, insults, swearing, harassment or slanderous, pornographic or disruptive public order, and cannot share, process or use the personal data of third parties unlawfully. Information and content uploaded to the Site by the User, especially this article, that are contrary to this Agreement and other terms and conditions on the Site may be removed from the Site, and the User's ability to benefit from the Site and the services offered on the Site will be impaired due to such content. It may be suspended partially or completely without the need to notify him/her.4.7. Any legal, administrative and criminal liability arising from the use of the Site belongs to the User. The information the User has entered on the Site, the information he has provided in his meetings with the Company/s, and the actions he has taken are subject to regulations, notifications, circulars, etc. If there are regulations, he/she is personally responsible for complying with them. The User is directly responsible for the damages that third parties have suffered or may suffer as a result of the activities carried out on the Site and/or the information regarding their private or professional life disclosed by them is not true and/or as a result of their actions contrary to this Agreement and the law. 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ, the activities carried out by the User on the Site and/or the information disclosed are not real or the User is in breach of this Agreement and T.R. and cannot be held directly and/or indirectly responsible for any damages that third parties have suffered or may suffer as a result of their actions contrary to the laws of other countries. Any demands from third parties in this context and any direct/indirect damages, payment items, etc. that 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ has suffered and/or will suffer arising from the User's failure to fulfill its obligations specified in the Agreement. Therefore, he/she has the right of recourse for any judicial/administrative fines and/or compensation that he/she will have to pay. 4.8. The User accepts in advance that access to the Site may be temporarily blocked for improvements and other changes to be made on the Site.4.9. The user is obliged to provide accurate and complete information for his membership account and to keep this information constantly updated. All information declared on the Site, such as name, address, telephone, e-mail, tax office, must be current, accurate and complete. Responsibility for any damages incurred by third parties due to incorrect or incomplete information belongs to the party who entered the relevant information. 4.10. All legal rights of the software, visuals and designs, texts, logos and graphics on the site belong to 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ. Copying the information and/or software used in the design, content and database creation of the Site and/or using it beyond benefiting from the Site, all kinds of images, text, images, files, etc. contained within the Site. Copying, distributing, processing and other use of data is strictly prohibited. In addition, Users (i) take any action that may threaten the security of the Site, prevent the operation of the Site or prevent other users from benefiting from the Site, (ii) impose a disproportionate load on the Site in a way that will produce these results; Accessing, copying, deleting, changing or attempting to access information published on the Site and/or entered by others in an unauthorized manner; (iii) Taking actions that may threaten the general security of the Site and/or harm the Site and other users; (iv) Using or attempting to use software that will prevent the operation of the site and related software, (v) sending reference codes, porn content, political messages, promotions of another application or advertisements to user comments on the site (if any), or sending any kind of software , disrupting the operation of the hardware and servers, causing them to malfunction, reverse engineering, organizing attacks, occupying or otherwise interfering, (vi) unauthorized use of the training contents on the Site and/or to be added by 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ in the future by the User. recording in any way and/or making these records available to another third party by the User, (vii) attempting to access the Site servers is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ will have the right and authority to refuse the use of the system or to completely stop the use of the Site's system by the User and to claim all damages incurred from the User. 4.11. The User will not include commercial offers and advertisements in his/her profile or in his/her communication with other Users, Companies and other people who use the Site under various names in general; As detailed in this Agreement, the User accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she will not use the Site for commercial purposes and/or generating income in any way. 4.12. The User will not compete with the Site, either in the ways specified above or in other ways, and will not support third parties competing with the Site.If it is determined that the User is competing with the Site in any way, his/her membership will be terminated immediately and without the need for any compensation or notification, and therefore all losses incurred and to be incurred by 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ will be recourse to the User. If such a situation is detected, the User accepts, declares and undertakes that, upon first request, he/she will immediately compensate 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ for any and all losses arising from this reason, in cash and in lump sum, without the need for any court order, notification and/or warning. . 4.13. If the User wishes, he/she can unsubscribe from the Site by following the instructions on the Site and thus unilaterally terminate his/her membership without demanding any compensation from 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ. However, when the User's membership/use on the Site ends either voluntarily or by 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ for the reasons specified in this Agreement, the User is solely responsible for all actions performed with the user account, all content uploaded, and all content and actions related to the user account. accepts, declares and undertakes that it will happen.


5.1. 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ may unilaterally change, add to or renew this Agreement, the Privacy Policy as an annex thereto, and other terms published on the Site via the link, at any time, without giving any reason or without any notice, and reorganize the Site. The right to change the subject, scope and content, and to suspend publication is reserved. Changes made by 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ to the Agreement, Privacy Policy and other conditions will enter into force on the date they are published on the Site, and by using the Site, the User is deemed to have accepted the updated terms. The User will be personally responsible for following up these documents regularly. 5.2. Regulations regarding the information and content provided to the Site by the User are regulated within the scope of the Privacy Policy, and 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ cannot use user information or disclose it to third parties outside the scope specified in this Agreement and the Privacy Policy. The information collected on the Site will be stored by 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ for a sufficient period of time to fulfill the purposes and activities specified in this agreement and the Privacy Policy, and this information will be accessible by authorized persons. 23 TALENT ASSOCIATION also has the right to use the information provided by the User to create a user profile, to conduct statistical studies and for its own activities. The User accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she consents to the uses of 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ as set forth in this article upon the entry into force of this agreement. 5.3. 23 TALENT ASSOCIATION takes the necessary precautions to prevent the loss, change, misuse of user information and unauthorized access to this information. However, this will not be interpreted as 23 YETENEK ASSOCIATION making any commitment regarding information security. The risk of using the Site belongs to the User. 5.4. 23 TALENT ASSOCIATION will pay utmost attention to the security of user accounts. However, the security of the information registered in the User account and the account password is the responsibility of the User. The user should never share information regarding the membership account with third parties. If a situation beyond the user's control occurs in their account, the user must immediately contact 23 TALENT ASSOCIATION. Any malicious use, including the capture of the User's account password by third parties and/or the provision of illegal content or action by third parties, is the responsibility of the User; Any legal and criminal liability arising from malicious use belongs solely to the User. 5.5. 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ does not undertake to find a job for the User in any way within the scope of this Agreement and the service it offers through the Site. 23 TALENT ASSOCIATION only carries out an activity to offer the User, through the Site, job positions with the qualifications sought by companies, in accordance with the User's personal/professional characteristics reported to the Site. 5.6. Incorrect or incomplete information specified by the User in his/her profile, communication between the User and the Company/s not taking place as agreed, etc. 23 TALENT ASSOCIATION will not have any liability in such cases. The User accepts, declares and undertakes that the addressee of his/her requests and complaints within this scope is not 23 TALENT ASSOCIATION, that 23 TALENT ASSOCIATION does not have any responsibility for the reasons written in this article, and that he/she will forward any requests and complaints within this scope to the relevant party if necessary. 5.7. 23 TALENT ASSOCIATION does not have the right to intervene in the criteria determined by companies for the selection of suitable people for vacant job positions. Companies individually decide which criteria they will use for which job positions. 5.8. 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ may place cookies, also called "cookies", on the User's computer during the User's visit to the Site, or javascript codes or similar tracking data for the purpose of analyzing site usage data. Cookies consist of simple text files and do not contain identity or other private information. Although they do not contain such personal information, session information and similar data are stored and can be used to recognize the User again. Detailed information on this issue is included in the "Cookie Policy" on the Site, which is clearly stated for the User to see easily. 5.9. 23 TALENT ASSOCIATION may charge certain areas or categories on the Site and some services used and may determine these fees unilaterally.5.10. 23 The User accepts that he/she has the right to record the programs offered by YETENEK DERNEĞİ in order to improve the services it offers and to ensure security. 5.11. 23 TALENT ASSOCIATION reserves the right to intervene, stop and remove inappropriate posts on the Site.


6.1. 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ, accessing the Site, accessing the Site or the information and other data on the Site, programs, etc. is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage that may arise due to its use, breach of contract, tort, or other reasons, other than gross negligence. 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ, as a result of breach of contract, tort, negligence or other reasons; does not accept any responsibility for interruption of the transaction/service, error, negligence, deletion or loss of data, delay of transaction or communication, computer virus, communication error, theft, destruction or unauthorized entry into records, modification or use of records. Because 23 TALENT ASSOCIATIONS show utmost care and importance to prevent the negative situations written in this article from occurring. By accessing the Site or linked sites or using the Site, it is accepted that 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ is held harmless from any liability that may arise as a result of the use/visit, and from all damages and claims, including court and other expenses. 6.2. The User accepts that he/she is responsible for the obligations of Law No. 5651 on the Regulation of Publications Made on the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed through These Publications regarding the contents published on the Site and that 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ has no responsibility regarding these. The User is solely responsible for all information and content shared on the Site, and any claims and damages arising from this information will be forwarded or recoursed to the User by 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ. The User acknowledges that 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ has no responsibility to investigate the reality, originality, security and accuracy of any information shared on the Site, including the information provided by other Users, and to determine whether their sharing is lawful. It accepts, declares and undertakes that it may be shared by persons on the Site or other media, and that 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ is not responsible for any damages that may arise due to such information. 6.3. The User may provide links to other websites and/or platforms (social media channels, etc.), files or content that are not under the control of 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ through the Site, and that the services of third parties may be offered and the website to which such links are directed or the person who operates/provides the service. We accept that it does not constitute any kind of statement or guarantee for the purpose of supporting or regarding the website or the information it contains, and that 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ has no responsibility for the platforms, websites, files and contents, services or products accessed through such links, or their contents. , declares and undertakes. 6.4. The User agrees that he/she will not make any requests from 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ under any name or name regarding the uses made through the Site, and that any User has opened an account on the site, comments regarding the User (if any) have been made to 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ. It accepts, declares and undertakes that it cannot be interpreted as approving, recommending, guaranteeing or supporting the User.23 TALENT ASSOCIATION, to the extent permitted by the applicable law, will not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or punitive damages arising from the use of the Site, including, but not limited to, loss of profit, loss of goodwill and reputation. The site and its features and other contents are provided "as is", and in this context, 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ has no responsibility or commitment regarding their accuracy, completeness and reliability. 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ does not make any express or implied warranties regarding the availability of job positions at the Company/s within the scope of this Agreement, the suitability of the Site for a particular purpose or use, or the absence of any violation within the scope of the Site and the services offered on the Site. 6.5. The User acknowledges that access to and quality of the Site and the content offered through the Site largely depends on the quality of the service provided by the relevant internet service provider, and that 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ has no responsibility for problems arising from the quality of the service in question, that the operation of the Site is not free from defects and that from time to time He accepts, declares and undertakes that he is aware that he may encounter technical failures or access barriers. 6.6. The User acknowledges that 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ does not guarantee that there will be no viruses, worms or other attacks or unauthorized access to the Site or that information will not be transferred from or to the Site. 6.7. 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ makes every effort to ensure that the Site does not contain viruses and other harmful content. However, if the User experiences technical problems or for other reasons, his computer gets a virus or suffers any damage, it will not be liable for any damages (including, but not limited to, the User's computer or programs). 23 YETENEK ASSOCIATION is not responsible for any damage (damage); For this reason, no requests can be made from 23 TALENT ASSOCIATIONS. The user is obliged to take the necessary precautions to avoid the aforementioned damages. 6.8. In accordance with this article, the User accepts that he/she cannot claim compensation or any other claim from 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ regarding any direct or indirect damage due to the use of the Site.


7.1. Within the scope of the Service, personal data and special categories of personal data shared by the User and the persons who are members of the Site on the membership pages are transferred. The User agrees to use the personal data and special categories of personal data shared by users or related persons through the member user database only for employment purposes within the scope of this Agreement.7.2. 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ accepts, declares and undertakes that it will comply with the data processing and transfer principles determined within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, and that it will delete, destroy or anonymize the relevant data if the reasons requiring the processing of the User's personal data are eliminated. Since 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ is a Private Employment Agency, for a period of 5 (five) years from the beginning of the calendar year following the regulation date; a) Written contracts regarding the professions that can be paid as specified in the second paragraph of Article 22, b) Identity, education and occupation information of job seekers, c) Within the scope of temporary employment relationship; Identity, education and occupation information of the workers with whom they have signed a temporary employment contract and information of the employer who employs temporary workers, ç) Temporary worker supply contracts and temporary employment contracts, d) Identity, education and occupation information of the people placed in the job, e) Vacancies received from employers. Education, profession and contact information, f) Foreign employment contracts approved by the Institution, g) Documents issued regarding persons who can sign other than the authorized person.7.2. Detailed information on the protection and processing of personal data, application methods, etc. All other necessary information is clearly included on the Site as an integral part of this Agreement. For this reason, the User accepts, declares and agrees that the necessary information has been given to him regarding the use and processing of his personal data by 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ, that he has been adequately informed in this regard, that he is aware of his rights in this context, and that he has seen, read and approved the Information Text when opening a User account on the Site. commits. 7.3. Photo, disability due to the nature of the job applied for, data entered into the Site individually while creating a resume are considered special personal data in accordance with the KVKK, and the User can open a User account on the Site in order for these data to be collected by 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ and used for the execution of this Agreement. He accepts, declares and undertakes that his consent has been received and that he has been informed in terms of special personal data.


This Agreement and the Privacy Policy, which is an integral part of the Agreement, and all other Agreement(s) and Policies announced on the Site; shall enter into force upon mutual acceptance by the User upon reading and acceptance of this Agreement.


9.1. If the User does not comply with the regulations in this Agreement and the rules and conditions declared on the Site, if the User's activities or any content included in the Site, if any, poses a risk in terms of legal, technical and especially information security, or if third parties 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ may temporarily or permanently suspend the User's use of the Site if it violates personal or commercial rights or is contrary to this agreement. If the said discrepancy is not duly resolved within 5 (five) business days in line with the requests and directions of 23 TALENT DERNEGI in response to the notification made by 23 YETENEK DERNEGI, this Agreement will not require any further notification by 23 TALENT DERNEGI, unilaterally, immediately and without compensation. may be terminated without notice. For this reason, the User shall not be liable to 23 TALENT ASSOCIATION for any direct/indirect damage, loss, material or moral compensation, lost profit, etc. that he/she will not make the request, that all responsibility belongs to him/her, and that if any request is made to 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ due to the behavior that led to the termination of the Agreement or if 23 YETENEK DERNEGİ becomes under any payment obligation for this reason, at the first request, immediately, without any further action. accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she will cover all kinds of losses incurred and to be incurred by 23 TALENT ASSOCIATION without the need for a court order, notice and/or warning. 9.2. 23 TALENT ASSOCIATION may suspend or terminate the Site and/or this Agreement temporarily or indefinitely at any time, at its own discretion. In this case, there will be no compensation item that the User may request from 23 YETENEK ASSOCIATION.


10.1. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not invalidate the other provisions of this Agreement. 10.2. Failure of the Parties to use their rights arising from this Agreement partially or completely or acting contrary to them shall in no way mean that they waive these rights. 10.3. 23 YETENEK ASSOCIATION will transmit the User information to the relevant authorities in case of a duly request from the official authorities.


11.1. Notifications to be sent by the parties to each other shall be sent to the address and/or e-mail address notified by the User to the Site and the address and/or e-mail address specified by 23 YETENEK ASSOCIATION in this Agreement. In case of any change in the address and/or e-mail address notified by the User to the Site, the User shall notify 23 YETENEK DERNEĞİ in writing of the new address and/or e-mail address. In case of a change in the address and/or e-mail address of 23 YETENEK ASSOCIATION, the relevant change will be transferred to this Agreement. 11.2. The address notified by the User to the Site shall be deemed to be the legal address for any notification to be made in relation to this Agreement. Due to this contract, any notification to be made by 23 YETENEK ASSOCIATION using the e-mail address notified by the User to the Site shall be valid and shall be deemed to have reached the User 1 (one) day after the e-mail is sent by 23 YETENEK ASSOCIATION. 11.3. The User agrees that unless the User notifies 23 YETENEK ASSOCIATION in writing of the changes in the current addresses (including e-mail and legal address) within 3 (three) days, the notifications to be made to the current address and e-mail addresses will have all the legal consequences of a valid notification.


12.1. In all disputes that may arise in relation to this Agreement, the provisions contained in this text shall prevail and the laws of the Republic of Turkey shall apply in the absence of provisions. Istanbul Central (Çağlayan) Courts and Execution Offices shall be competent for the resolution of disputes arising from the implementation of this Agreement. 12.2. In accordance with Article 193 of the Code of Civil Procedure No. 6100 in disputes that may arise from the implementation of this Agreement, all kinds of books, information, documents and records of 23 YETENEK ASSOCIATION shall be conclusive evidence and this article has the nature of an evidence contract. The User declares, accepts and undertakes that he/she has read, understood and accepted all of the articles in this Agreement and confirms the accuracy of the information he/she has provided about himself/herself. This Agreement may be amended and updated unilaterally by 23 YETENEK ASSOCIATION without any prior notice to the Users as new features are added to the Site or new suggestions are received from the Users. Therefore, it is recommended that the User review this Agreement each time he/she visits the Site.